Your trusted brands partner.
We are the bridge between multinationals and clients needing specific prices, logistic services or special means of payments, smaller minimum order quantities… In one word : flexibility. Our clients do not make out-of-the-shop publicities and thus never disturb the primary market.
Makoa exports to around 30 countries, located in Europe, Middle East and Africa. We mainly sell to 4 different market segments, who are very complementary to the regular sales channels of our suppliers:
1. Export to Middle East and Africa.
We have developed a broad network on the African continent and in the Middle-East.
We offer a large assortment of interesting products for those markets. In some African countries, MAKOA has sales representatives and/or offices.

Makoa has built a strong knowledge in the logistics chain (documentation, shipping, storage) … towards many countries in Africa and the Middle East. We also have the flexibility needed (reservation of stocks before the payment) so that the client has the ability to complete the containers in a time lapse of 2 to 3 weeks.
2. Independent discount shops all over Europe
4. E-Commerce

Thanks to a close collaboration with a state-of-the art logistics partner, we have become a preferred supplier of several e-commerce players around Europe.
We are able to honour the 72 hour time requirement between order and delivery and have a specialized in-house team to connect to the clients interface system.
We sell per unit and shipments are tracked to offer double guarantee to client and end consumer.